Top 10 Digital marketing Trends

Check Top 10 Digital marketing Trends 2021

Staying across digital marketing trends 2021 can shape the strategic positioning and communications of your business. Customers engaging with your brand on social media, via apps, and through your website can have their experience of your organisation enriched with the integration of these key 21st century marketing trends. Use the list below to get a rounded view of these trends, understand how these advancements are shaping the industry, and start reworking your marketing strategy so that you can move your business forward in the months ahead. Remember: “Social media users are now spending an average of 2 hours and 24 minutes per day multinetworking across an average of 8 social networks and messaging apps.” There’s a reason why digital marketing is essential — your customers are most likely online in some capacity for a good proportion of their day.

List of Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends 2021 You Need To Know Right Now:

We are living in the digital world where technology is evolving so fast and customer satisfaction matters the most for the organizations. If you are not aware about the latest trends in Digital marketing which are going to rule the world in the next coming years then it’s still not too late to get in touch with the new digital marketing trends 2021

  1. Artificial Intelligence Trend:
  2. Voice Search Trend
  3. Shoppable Posts Trend
  4. Video marketing trend
  5. Interactive Content Trend
  6. Programmatic Advertising Trend
  7. AI-Powered Chatbots
  8. AR and VR technological evolution Trend
  9. Google Apps: the tool for smart bidding
  10. Social Messaging Applications Trend

Check Also – Latest Technology Trends for 2021

1. Artificial Intelligence Trend:

AI is showing up in all different ways across businesses processes and marketing. You can use it to enhance communications, analyse data, track sales and project customer behaviour patterns, and free your staff for other tasks. Consider AI an investment asset across the board.

A lot of the buzzwords about Artificial intelligence we hear every day. Actually it already is. Basically, it works on analysing the search patterns and customer behaviour. Its main purpose is to collect data from the various blog posts and social media platforms which help big organizations and industries to recognize that how clients find their favourite services and products.

2. Voice Search Trend

Make sure you’re optimizing your content for voice as well as text searches — more and more users are searching this way with the prevalence of smart home devices and hands-free. You need to prioritize these analytics as well to rank in searches.

“Alexa, will you be my girlfriend?”

“Sorry! But I like you as a friend.”

Digital marketers can ‘not afford to ignore Voice search. According to research, it is said that by 2021, 70% of all the searches will be the voice searches. This is surely has a great impact on search trends which makes it attain a very significant place new trends of digital marketing.

3. Shoppable Posts Trend

Research shows that customers are more likely to buy with a streamlined shopping experience so utilize the features of apps to direct sell across platforms. It’s all about minimizing hassle and mitigating losing customers moving between sites or apps.

As you all that social media is said to be the biggest platform for online marketing. You will be in shock when you know the number of people shop via social. Based on recent survey, 60% of instagram users said that they find new and latest products on Instagram. Over 4000 users of Pinterest said that pinterest helps them is discovering new products.

It is clearly visible that maximum number of people use these platform to shop.  

4. Video marketing trend

You just cannot ignore that 60% of customers says that watching product videos before purchasing gives them a more clear picture about the product which makes them more confident about buying the product. When it comes to digital marketing trends 2021, Video marketing is the backbone of the digital marketers.

Great content will be of value and interest to your customers especially if it creates an experience. Think about promoting DIY videos, founder narrative stories, styling videos, or partnering in with local videographers to tell stories relevant to your audience. It’s all about the indirect sell and using it to build your brand.

Let’s take an example that if you are buying the product then what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Of course! The below written questions will pop up in front of you:

  1. What is it?
  2. When should I buy it?
  3. How do I buy it?
  4. Who’s it a good/not good fit for?
  5. How much does it cost?
  6. Why do I need it?

But how will you get the answers? This is where video, such as Pinterest videos, can influence customers in buying the product. Making videos about your product can be very beneficial for you to convince customers and provide them with mental satisfaction before making the payment. By incorporating Pinterest videos, you can leverage the platform’s visual and engaging nature to showcase your products effectively and address customers’ questions and concerns.

5. Interactive Content Trend

And when it comes to the Digital marketing trends 2021, Content is the king. AR/VR, 360-degree video, Shoppable posts, polls and quizzes are few examples of Interactive content. Content is the biggest reason for an user to stay longer on your website. It automatically increases your brand awareness.

6. Programmatic Advertising Trend

Programmatic advertising is changing the method of digital advertising so quickly. Basically, using artificial intelligence for automating ad buying which allow us to target more particular audience.  For example – Real time bidding is a perfect kind of programmatic ad buying. As per the eMarketer, In the U.S there will be 86.2% of digital display programmatic ads by 2021.

7. AI-Powered Chatbots Trend

Invest in a custom, instantaneous customer support option that will respond to questions and engage your site visitors on-page. You’ll also gather data about common questions and patterns of communication. Check 7 Best AI Chatbots for 2021.

8. AR and VR Technology evolution Trend

In today’s world, people are busier and might not be able to visit your commercial space or they’re trying to imagine how your brand fits into their life. Creating immersive marketing taps into how visual we are, shows your brand is cutting edge, and creates a diverse, memorable offering. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality have touched the zenith of fame in recent years and are rapidly growing to be one of the leading marketing designs. While VR was the more well-known of the two for quite a while, it is a fact that AR will outpace VR by 2020 or say, 2021 in comparison to VR.

AR is presently finding its significance with the notable businesses like the Swedish based multinational group in the furniture business viz., IKEA. Latest in digital marketing trends amplify the use of the internal apps and with the help of AR, customers can observe what kind of furniture is as per their liking before entering the physical store. 

9. Google Apps: the tool for smart bidding

Digital marketing recent trends substantiate that automation is the same old thing in the marketing domain, however, because of ongoing Google Ads updates reported at Google Marketing Live, you may anticipate that mechanization and smart bidding should set standards for multiple PPC account administrators. 

Google Ads depends on machine learning to streamline your bidding attempts so that you get the maximum value on the conversion. The intensifications reported at Google Marketing Live have allowed your bids ever seen before with the potential to pick conversion activities to the extent of campaigning manifestation.

 10 Social Messaging Applications Trend

Again, meet your customer where they are and make it easy for them to stay connected with you. Natural conversations support their brand experience and increase the likelihood that they’ll feel informed as well as supported. Digital marketing trends for 2021 will ensure that Social media applications like WeChat, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp are no longer the tools to communicate with your friends. These apps are becoming popular means for entrepreneurs to address their valued customers. Facebook Messenger scans more than fifteen billion messages reciprocated among individuals and digital marketers every month.

Here are some guidelines the business entities have optimized for concerning messaging applications: 

  • Building contact and building connections. 
  • Educating customers about the brands manufactured Sales promotions. 
  • To organize events. 
  • Retrieving customer base Revamping the customer support system client service.

Last but not the least great content Convert Leads into Customers.

Conclusion: It’s hard to keep up with the evolving marketing strategies so here we have listed our top 10 digital marketing trends 2021 which are ongoing in digital marketing world. Explore the New trends in digital marketing and keep your main focus on existing customers by regularly updating yourself with the Latest online marketing trends 2021

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About the Author

Abhinav Bhardwaj

Abhinav Bhardwaj is a marketer and a passionate writer having more than 30 years of experience in the fields of marketing. He has done many international projects. Dedicating his live in providing the best informative knowledge to the youth by writing and sharing his experiences.

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